Thursday, May 10, 2007

Time Me

I was inspired by Lou.

11 years ago:
I was 11.
I was in finishing up 5th grade.
My younger brother had just turned 3.

6 years ago:
I was a sophomore in high school.
I was preparing for Spring Fling with one of my best guy friends.
I had a major crush on mike Bjarnson.

2 years ago:
I was in a serious relationship with my now husband.
I had just been in a car wreck that totaled my first car.
One of my best friends was already married and the other was soon to follow.

Yesterday I:
Went to my third day of my new job.
Went to Audrey's with a pregnant Vivian to watch shows.
Considered buying my husband a turtle.

Today I:
Went to my little brother's 14th birthday party.
Prepared for graduation.
Probably stayed up way too late.

Tomorrow I will:


CTuna's Cavern said...

Congratualations on your graduation. We love you.

Laurie said...

Hooray Hooray. Graduation is a huge accomplishment. I will be at the party. You are so awesome. I loved reading that you were in 5th grade 11 yrs ago. It makes me feell a bit old

Dave S. S. said...

You and Nik seem to get into a lot of car accidents.

Dixie Chic said...

Congrats, Grad!! We love you!

Nik English said...

yeah for graduating wife!