Thursday, January 11, 2007

School vs. Employement

Earlier today I was talking to a friend of mine at work about school, and our spouses. We both are recently married and only have one semester of school left. Our spouses are different. His wife is going to get her masters in English and Education and my husband hasnt even started school yet. My friend is a little different than me though, after he graduates with an associates, he is moving on to do optometry, so he has a bit of school left too. As we were talking, I couldn't shake the feeling that my schooling has been a waste of time. I have been at a two-year college for more than 3 years, and even though this is my last semester and I am glad to be done, now what? My degree is not what I want to do with my life. I recognize that I have gained some valuable skills at school and I know I have made some friends. But I have no idea what I am going to do when Nik goes to college. Do I try for something I am really interested in, or do I just get anything that pays enough to get him through school? Do I wait till he is employed to do a serious job hunt, or do I make him wait on school till I am gainfully employed? None of these options sound good. Hopefully we will beable to come up with something before it is a necessity.

I know, I have just been rambling and complaining, but I can't help it. My best friends have busy lives too, who else am I going to vent too?


Anonymous said...

That's the question that has been bothering people for a very long time. You have to evaluate what you want out of life and then come up with a plan on how to get it. Whether or not you "just make enough" or have an ideal career is up to the two of you. Good luck! - Mom

Nik English said...

I love you baby!

Anonymous said...

Oh it is tough Lena. Sometimes life just sucks with all the decisions and things we do to survive. I love ya and You are amazing for my bro. I feel blessed to have you in my life. you have taught me a lot

Anonymous said...

Half of the people I work with have degrees in things that are not even related to the current field they are working in. And some of us ( no names to protect the innocent) don't even have degrees yet. Point is, your degree doesn't define who you are or what you do. It's a great accomplishment that should open other doors for you.