Friday, July 25, 2008

One Word

You only get one word per answer... no explanations, either. Enjoy!

1. Where is your cell phone? .................... desk
2. Your significant other?....................... work
3. Your hair?.................................... weird
4. Your mother? ................................. awesome
5. Your father?.................................. reliable
6. Your favorite thing?.......................... sleep
7. Your dream last night?........................ dirty
8. Your favorite drink........................... Lemonade
9. Your dream/goal?.............................. President
10. The room you're in?.......................... padded
11. Your ex?..................................... prison
12. Your fear?................................... uncovered
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years........... sane
14. Where were you last night?................... sequence
15. What you're not?............................. male
16. Muffins...................................... gone
17. One of your wish list items?................. Sniper
18. Where you grew up?........................... Utah
20. What are you wearing?........................ pants
21. Your TV?..................................... abusive
22. Your pets?................................... controling
23. Your computer? .............................. portable
24. Your life?................................... boring
25. Your mood?................................... sleepy
26. Missing someone?............................. purposely
27. Your car?.................................... silver
28. Something you're not wearing?................ underwear
29. Favorite Store?.............................. discount
30. Your summer?................................. sweaty
31. Your favorite color?......................... green
32. Last time you laughed........................ Nik
33. Last time you cried?......................... Nik


Anonymous said...

That was cute! I'll have to try doing one soon!

Nik English said...

lena is hot!

Anonymous said...


Laurie said...

Love things like this. This is a cute one

Ashley Poulsen said...

Lena, are you trying to say we are blog frieds? Just kidding, thanks for the comments, i didn't know people actually read my blog. hey, where do you work?

Samantha Broadhead said...

All I can say in one word is RANDOM. I loved this blog entry, I added it on my blog, so check it out. I don't think anyone reads mine but then again no one knows I blog . . . so there you go. Love ya girl.