Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

Today, July 31st is Harry Potter's (and his author J.K. Rowling's) birthday. I have a question about Harry's real age. Now, I know, in the last chapter of the last book we learn that Harry is married with kids. And we don't know how old he is. But in the 7th book we also fins out that is birthday is 7-31-1980. That would make him older than Nik and turning 28 today. So does that mean that the last chapter (with the kids) puts him at 27? Or does that last chapter take place some time in the future and we have no way of knowing when exactly in Harry's life he sends his oldest off to school. I guess if he was going to have an 11 year old, he would have to have had "relations" with Ginny right after high school. Not so far fetched, but still not very probable.

I don't know why this is bugging me. We were never really given a time frame for the books. They could have taken place in the 70's for all we know. I guess because everything seemed modern enough, it was reasonable to assume they were taking place now. So in 2007 when I found out that Harry was born in 1980, it threw off my whole perspective of him. I was going in circles trying to figure out how old he was supposed to be at the end.

Thank you J.K. Rowling, for giving me something to think about. I am going to take some Advil now.


Ashley Poulsen said...

That is to funny, Harry Potter people make me laugh my face off!

Anonymous said...

I think that the end of the book (which you just spoiled for everyone who hasn't read it) takes place at least 11 years after high school. Does that help your head ache?

Vivian said...
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Vivian said...

He was 17 at the end of the 7th book, then the epilogue is 19 years later... that makes him 36. And, Ashley, I'm glad to make you laugh your face off. I LOVE HARRY POTTER!

Laurie said...

Advil sounds like a good idea. Harry Potter is awesome. Hey he got you thinking way to much about it.

WonderKitty said...

Thanks Vivian. Somehow it takes the whimsy out of the name when he is an adult...

Nik English said...

lena you are silly! I love you!

Spencer S. said...

Mind boggling, isn't it. It is weird to think Harry is older than I as well. I think of him as such a young chap.

Stephanie said...

that is fascinating. i had no idea.

now i have to think about it.

and the word "relations" is hysterical.

dan and i want to have a bbq/kegger at my grandma's house soon. get ready.

~*Felts~* said...

OH sure!!! Way to go! spoil the end :) hehe