1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? Lots of stuff!! Got cancer, had chemo, lost ALL my hair, gained 10 pounds, had an unemployed husband, Went to Disneyland with my husband, oh, and got rid of the cancer.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I have never really made resolutions, but I did this year. 5 of them. One for each aspect of my life.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Our good friends James and Sarah had a baby boy, and our new friends Ryan and Ashley had a baby girl.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Nope, lucked out on that one.
5. What countries did you visit? just this one.
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? A house. But I don't have high hopes.
7. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Beating cancer.
8. What was your biggest failure? beign so impatient.
9. Did you suffer illness or injury? um, yeah.
10. What was the best thing you bought? New TV.
11. Where did most of your money go? Rent.
12. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Disneyland. And starting to plan the trip to Chicago.
13. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? a) Happier, b) Fatter, c) a little of both. Nik was still with MacDocs, but on his way to Lumenas, then gone from their within two months.
14. What do you wish you’d done more of? Stuff with just Nik.
15. What do you wish you’d done less of? TV.
16. What was the best book you read? I read too many to just pick one. Good Omens, Fablehaven, Sookie Stackhouse series, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister.
17. What did you want and get? A party for my 25th birthday, and a snowflake necklace from my husband for Christmas.
18. What did you want and not get? Nothing. I got everything I wanted this year.
19. What kept you sane? crocheting and praying.
20. Who did you miss? James and Sarah since they moved out of the ward. Also my grand parents down in St. George.
21. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? I actually don't remember the exact date, but the end of March will forever be etched in my brain.
22. What song will always remind you of 2009? Lots of them!!! Lucky (Jason Mraz), Human and Spaceman (The Killers), Viva La Vida (Cold Play), Soul Sister (Train), Why I am (Dave Matthews Band).
23. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009? Lightly layer in trends with what I can afford, and avoid leggings.
24. Who was the best new person (people) you met? Ryan and Ashley. I love them both so much. We are sad to have them out of the ward so quickly, but I know we will keep in touch.
25. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009? Don't give up. It will get better. And even if it doesn't, its not worth losing your faith in others and in yourself. When people say they want to help, believe them. Family is the best thing anyone can have. I never want to loose mine.
"Um, yeah" made me spit at my computer because I was laughing so hard. haha
Pretty amazing year! 2009 will definately effect all the rest of your years.
Love you!
I agree with told all above. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.
Look at me!
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