Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Two things

One: Yesterday was the anniversary of when Nik and I got engaged. We usually try to do something fun just to say we did, but this year it came with a lot of other things to do. Oh well. I will always remember that I did not get to watch Groundhogs Day because I was being proposed to. Some day Nik will make this up to me. :)

Two: Less than 13 hours before my surgery. Check in time is 8:15am. I am glad that it is in the morning. Get it over with before I have a chance to realize how hungry I am. Sorry if this feels like I am making a way bigger deal out of this than is necessary, but this is foreign territory for me. I am sure I will be fine and that all my worrying will be for naught.


Allie said...

Good Luck Lena. If you need anything let me know and I will get your bonus for you tomorrow.

~*Felts~* said...

Good luck muffin! I will be thinking of you :)

Vee said...

surgeries are never fun.
The only enjoyable surgery I've has was when I got my wisdom teeth out, I was so strung out on pain killers and Mr H was at my every beck and call, it was fabulous!

Hilary said...

Good luck . . . mine really went so super smoothly, and I felt back to normal in almost no time! This'll all be over before you know it!

Hilary said...

Good luck . . . mine really went so super smoothly, and I felt back to normal in almost no time! This'll all be over before you know it!

Jessica said...

You'll do great Lena! I hope the day is uneventful and goes by fast! Let us know if we can bring you anything. Spence had that surgery and was back to work 3 days later! Don't sweat it...you'll do fine!

Unknown said...

good luck!!! I hope it goes well!

Audrey said...

Good luck, Lena!!

Talina said...

You're already there and hopefully the surgery will go quickly so you can stop worrying and get home and start recovering. I'll see you tonight, I hope!

Anonymous said...

I heard from Nik that you're doing great and that the surgery went well. I hope you get feeling good soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope everything's okay and that the surgery went smoothly!! HUGS!!!