Monday, February 01, 2010

Thank Heavens for Bloggers

I really don't know what I did to pass time before I discovered blogs. I know they have been around much longer than I have been into them. But nothing gives me more entertainment than to find a new blogger that really knows how to write. Or on the flip side, is such a horrible writer that its like a train wreck, you just can't look away!!

I have many friends and family that blog, and I love to catch up. Sometimes I can forget how long it has been since I have actually seen them, cause I know most of what is going on in their lives. I love to hear stories about the kids doing kids stuff, and see pictures of my married friends who get to travel. I don't care the length of the post. Just something that lets me know that you are there, and that you have something you thought someone might want to read. In fact, you know, I don't even care if you think someone will read it, write it anyway! Some of the best posts come from random thoughts or actions that don't seem to have a point.

I hope that others feel that way about my blog. I would like to say that I do this because I like to write, and I guess that is kind of true, I write the stuff I am interested in. But it helps immensely if that post get comments. Just a little big of validation. Something that tells me you are reading, and that you liked it. Or didn't. I'm up for debate. Heaven forbid we all have our opinions.

Anyway. Thanks for reading, and for posting, and for commenting.


Unknown said...

I'm with you. I write my blog because I love to write, but don't have much opportunity for creative writing in my grown up life.

I'll be honest, though, comments are like crack for me. I love them, and I am much more likely to post often if I receive a plethora of comments.

Talina said...

I am such an enabler ;)

Audrey said...


P.S. We miss you! Let's get together soon and make girly stuff for Viv's baby!

Vivian said...

When is your next day off? CALL ME!

And in my opinion, I really like your pictures, I haven't seen many recently!

Lisa said...

I LOVE blogging and catching up with my peeps' blogs as well. I admit that I love it more when there are pics- I'm a pic fanatic. But I also love when ppl actually update their blogs. I love this "newer" blog roll link list that shows you when someone has updated their blog- much easier than going through the many, many blogs on the list just to see if there's anything new! :) Keep posting. Love it. Oh, and thanks for YOUR comments as well! I don't hardly get anyone commenting anymore, so I mainly do it for my own sanity. :)

Jessica said...

It's so did I kill time before blogs???

Unknown said...

I completely agree, thank goodness for blog surfing!

Laurie said...

Love the blogs as you well know

minisuperbias said...

I completely agree. I love just reading the little random bits of people's lives.

Heather said...

I agree. it's so fun to waste time reading other blogs. I am not good at keeping up with my own. I go in phases. You're so good at keeping your updated. I have to remember to keep checking in.

Maria Christensen said...

I love to read your blog! It's pretty entertaining at times. If you want to check out my blog it's It's private so let me know your email address so I can send you an invite if you're interested.